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Principal - Mrs. Corinne Gorsch

I am proud to be starting my twentieth year in education and fifth year at Mountain View Elementary.  My journey with Mountain View began in 2018 as the intervention coordinator, continued in 2021 as the assistant principal, and continues into 2023-2024 as the principal.  Before entering into school administration, I served as a reading and math interventionist, a fourth-grade teacher, a district-level intervention coordinator, a Title I Coordinator, and an intervention coordinator.  In any capacity I serve, I prioritize creating an environment that allows students to love learning, teachers to love teaching, and parents to be proud partners in our work.   

My husband Nathan shares my dedication to educational leadership as a high school principal also in ASD20.  We have two children, one studying at UCCS and another finishing high school this year.  We love to travel, play games, watch baseball, and laugh together.  

Thank you for your continued support of our amazing school, I cannot wait for what we will accomplish together.  

Kayleigh Thornton - Assistant Principal

I am honored to be your assistant principal at Mountain View Elementary. I have been dedicated to the field of education for more than 10 years. I obtained my BA in sports medicine from Colorado Mesa University and a master’s in special education and a principal license from UCCS. I have worked in various roles with students from kindergarten to 8th grade. Some of those roles include elementary autism and mild/moderate teacher. Most recently, I served as a special education facilitator at Fountain Middle School.  

I was raised in an Air Force family and originally from Maryland, our family has called Colorado home for over the past 25 years. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time golfing with my husband, watching our kids play soccer, and traveling. I am excited to work with students and families as we foster a sense of community, compassion, and continued growth and achievement. I am excited to be joining the Mountain Lion family! 

Andy Dalton - Dean of Students

I am honored and excited to continue my work here at Mountain View Elementary in the role of dean of students. Over the last two years here at Mountain View, I have had the amazing opportunity to connect with so many incredible students, staff, and community members. I am grateful to be part of such a wonderful community! 

My family plays an extremely important role in my life. I have been married to my incredible wife Stephanie for 24 years. We have four amazing children, two attending school in Academy District 20 and two completing their undergraduate work outside of Colorado.  As a family, we enjoy traveling, camping, going to Disneyland, and just spending time with each other.   

Over the past sixteen years, I have had the opportunity to work as an educator in both middle and elementary school settings. During this time, I have increased my educational knowledge by obtaining a Master of Arts in Special Education, a principal’s license, an administrator’s license in the area of special education director, and a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership. 

I look forward to my continued time with Mountain View Elementary and the wonderful community that supports this school.