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Our staff is here to help and to ensure that students are safe. Please help us with your cooperation.

General Directions for Front and Back Kiss and Go

  • Front Kiss and Go is for students in kindergarten, first and second grade and their older siblings

  • Back Kiss and Go is for students in grades three, four and five

  • Drop off and pick up students in the area between signs

  • Pull forward as far as possible, look to staff for directions

    • Students may be asked to move to the top of the kiss and go line to meet your car so we can move cars through the line as quickly and safely as possible.

  • Students enter/exit cars on the curbside, parents remain in the vehicle and allow our team to help

  • Do not block crosswalks

  • Avoid phone use while in the kiss and go line

  • Drive slowly and watch for children

  • Be patient and courteous

  • Yield to crossing guards and MVE staff

Front Kiss and Go Directions for Parents and Guardians

  • Pull forward as far as possible to close gaps so we can move as cars quickly and safely through the line

    • Kindergarteners will stand with a staff member near the fence in front of the outdoor classroom

    • Older siblings may stand with kindergarteners in that location

  • When pulling through on the left side to exit, yield to cars pulling away from the curb to exit

  • Students are not permitted to walk through the parking lot without an adult. Please walk with your student to the crosswalk and wait until they are safely crossed to the sidewalks near the building.

Front Kiss and Go Expectations for Students

  • Walk between the yellow and white lines, do not walk outside of the yellow line near cars

  • After school, stand behind the white line and face the carline to look for parents

  • Keep hands and feet to self

  • Ask a staff member in an orange vest if you need help

  • Only use marked crosswalks with a crossing guard to cross the street, do not walk through the parking lot without an adult

Back Kiss and Go Directions for Parents and Guardians

  • Follow the arrows to turn around in the Challenger Middle School parking lot

    • Do not make U-turns, this is dangerous and stops the flow of the kiss-and-go line

  • Please do not park on the yellow curb, it blocks the CMS busses

  • Do not park in the CMS lot and walk through the kiss-and-go line to MVE

    • Students are not permitted to cross without a crosswalk through the kiss-and-go line

Back Kiss and Go Expectations for Students

  • Stand on the sidewalk behind the yellow line and face the carline

  • Keep hands and feet to self

  • Only use marked crosswalks with a crossing guard to cross the street

  • Use the stairs, not the grass area to travel to and from the back kiss and go

  • Ask a staff member in an orange vest if you need help